torsdag 12 februari 2009

Pictures from the 7th

So, here are the pics.

First birthdaypresent in red. Under is the dresser we had made.

Birthday presents in two shades of blue

David, Sol, Paul, Gustav and Tiny.
Sol and Tiny are married and Tiny, David and Paul all work at EF.

Johan, Cherry and Berry. 
Berry is our agent and helps us comunicate with our chinese landlord. Berry brought her friend Cherry along. Johan is just a "regular" nice swede we met in a bar somewhere.

Eva, Maria, Fredrik and Fiona
Eva and Nina are no longer starting a business together. Marie and Fredrik are married and have lived for a long time in India (Fredrik even has an Indian accent when he speaks English if you listen closely). Fiona is a scottish swede-wannabe who is a very good friend to both of us.

I got a bike and a helmet from my friends. :)

tisdag 10 februari 2009

happy 30ties

So, I turned 30 this weekend. Big deal?

There are a few birthdays in my life I remember as if they happened yesterday but most I have forgotten or at least forgotten the details about. And it is the details that make the difference. When I turned 10 we were at my uncle Mats' house. I went to bed early because I wanted the presents as soon as possible. The rest of the family stayed up late to talk to Mats, I think he lived in Borlänge at the time (I might be wrong). Anyway, what makes me remember this birthday is that I had to wait until 10 the next morning until the rest of my family bothered to get up and come and sing for me while I was still in bed (this is tradition in most Swedish homes). It was very annoying waiting 4 hours in bed before anyone came; yes I did wake up at 6. I got a red radio controlled car that year so they were soon forgiven.


When I turned 18 I lived as an exchange student in a town in Idaho with 160 inhabitants. This birthday I also remember very well. Mostly because it was VERY different from any other birthday I have had and very different from a regular Swedish boy's 18th birthday. I could write a book about why and how but I won't. The point is that I remember it.


The rest of my birthdays have been fun and eventful but for some reason or another they do not stand out.


I can not say for sure, only time will tell, but I believe that this birthday will be one of those that will stand out as one of those I will remember. In contrary to when I was 10 I stayed up late the night before. Nina went to bed around 10 but I could not sleep, so I waited till she had fallen asleep and then I went up again. I have never been worried about my age or given it much thought but there and then I had my moment of reflection. 4 hours later I went back to bed and fell asleep. 


The morning started with me waking up 30 min before Nina. When I got tired of waiting for her to get up I tried to move around as much as possible without being obvious that I was trying to wake her up. She got the hint. She had had three beautiful pictures painted of herself. Or rather, she took three pictures of herself (naked) and played around with them in photoshop so they looked like oil paintings. Then she had them printed on regular A4 and gave them to one of the numerous painters in Shanghai. He (or she) made 3 beautiful 60*90 pictures with a naked Nina :) What more could one ask for?


The day continued and we ran some errands and started to prepare for the party. Around 5.30 I went down to the local Chinese restaurant and for the first time I made a complete order in Chinese not using English at all. When I am all set and about to leave the waiter turns to me and says, in good English, "You are beautiful". Slightly surprised and a little flattered I leave. It is nice to know that even if I am getting older I am still considered beautiful by some. :)


Later that night we had around 20 guests at home with a good mixture of people. I got lots of other presents, one of them a bike and a helmet. Extra thanks to Fiona and Eva who helped prepare the food before everybody came.


Now I am really looking forward to go home to Stockholm on Friday and see my nieces.