I have also learnt that if you study to become a doctor in China the main education is eight years long. After that you need to get out another 2-3 years to work in a hospital (In Swedish: AT). 1500 kuai/month is normal to get when you just graduated as a doctor...
Today has been a weird day. Fiona and I went to IKEA (2nd time this week for me...). On the way there they sold puppies on the street. Tiny white puppies in a box on the street. We decided not to get the puppies today. (Tomorrow, you never know!)
I bought Christmas flowers at IKEA. We jumped in to a taxi from IKEA and sat happily chatting in the back. Suddenly the taxi driver breaks more than usual, and I kept thinking I didn't want my flowers in the boot to fall. But then I slammed my head in to the plastic sheltering thing behind the driver. We had our first Shanghainese car accident!
Nina, badly shocked shows her wounded lip...
We weren't wounded at all (apart from my lip which hurt for five minutes) but a bit shaken up. The flowers however were very badly wounded and looked quite crippled when we left the taxi to leave the driver to the big fight with his fellow street comrades and a policeman. Maybe they should start working with margins when they drive I thought to my self but realized that is just too strange of an idea to suggest to any Shanghainese taxi driver.
Och vad vi vet så står de där än idag.
Later on we went for a little walk on our street and met this little girl standing in a washing machine. Quite surprising even for China But I guess the parents knew where she was...
SvaraRaderaVilken tur att läppen höll och att det bara var blommorna som fick skavanker.
Den nya bloggen ger riktig julstämning. Fint.
Här är ganska grått och det regnar, det enda som lyser upp är julstjärnorna och adventsstakarna i alla fönster. Julen kryper allt närmare. Har redan avverkat två julbord och det är absolut ett för mycket.
Vi pratar om den ekonomiska krisen, om det nya partiet i Sydafrika och om ett stort jordskalv som drabbade Skåne i morse.
Och vi tänker på er
Dear Nina and Gustav,
SvaraRaderaI am a little bit late, I guess I cannot blame it on the time shift ... so I wish both of you an Stonischken (in a positive sense of course!) happy new year! From time to time I will take a look at your blog (the english version at least) - I already had much fun looking at the pictures. Honestly I am little bit afraid of China (not that these people are too tall for me :-) but I guess it is the different way of living. Otherwise this is what makes the soup tasty, I guess!
Have a good time!
Your friend, Alex
...do not know what "Stonischken" means (hope it is no insult) - before the computer became my automatic editor it was "astonishing" :-)
SvaraRaderaHi Alex,
SvaraRaderaNice to hear from you!
I would not have know what you meant with "Stonischken" either... thanks for the translation :) and thanks for the comments.