So after a hard night of Gustav-being very-manly using the huge slagborr, we have now finalized, what we beleive, the most important part of the Making a home out of the apartment-mission. Knowing that we don't have an attic or any other storage, the issue of where to keep our skis/snowboard seemed to be a hard nut to crack(!). Until Gustav solved the problem and simply turned our loved ones into art and put them up on the wall. We have had a ski as a lamp in the ceiling before (now in Hugo's apartment) but never on the walls. So storage solved and no need to buy a picture frame.
And a third person in the family to join the ski as art-club would be Klara. But I beleive it is a sligthly older version. Send us pictures!
So now we are just waiting for the rest of the apartment to somehow become nice and organised. I hope you will be just as excited as we will when we get the bathroom cabinet nice and neatly organised!
So long!
Helt otroligt snyggt! Vilken inovation. Ni talar om era intressen och får samtidigt väggdekorationer. Och förvaring! Ursmart!! Men vet era kinesiska vänner vad ni satt upp på väggen?
SvaraRaderaMamma Karin
Skönt att Gustav köpt en ordentlig slagborr..... Saknar er!!