In class I learnt about chinese names. The first one being "the last name" and the last one being the first name. The middle name is the most interesting one though. Not all families have it but most bigger ones do. The middle names for the generations to come was decided by some man far back in the family history. The name is different for every generation and is listed in a book, which is passed down to the next generation. So if we were a chinese family dad and his brothers would be called Fu and Kalle and Anton Fong for example. All according to the book! Only nowadays when they only get to have one kid each not everyone has a son to pass down the name to (yes, of course it is only to sons), so the whole custom is passing away.
Gustav and I sneaked in to a fancy/chinese looking restarant to be a bit brave for dinner, rice, veggie dumplings, meat dumplings and spring rolls. You might think you have tried this before - and so have we. But this was no western style chinese food. The Veggie dumplings were eatable. The rice had some sort snot/seaweed slimy mix on top and the spring rolls had a similar filling. The meat dumplings were rather a brownish slimecake. I managed to swallow my first bit but that was it. We had planned maybe to take our Christmas visitors there, but I guess we'll keep on looking for the perfect mix of authentic chinese and actually eatable.

A totally unrelated picture but I like it!
Om den hunden bor i Peking heter den pekingeser, men eftersom den nu bor i Shanghai måste det vara en shanghaieser.
SvaraRaderaJag är glad att ni testar krogar så att vi törs lita på er när vi kommer. Det får inte bli FÖR MYCKET hönshjärnor, gallblåsor och ormstjärtar. Det tycker inte ens jag.
Mamma Karin