tisdag 25 augusti 2009

Below follows an important news item about Chinese people's exercising habits

They have started running! I don't get it! In November I ran outside once. People stared at me as if I was mad and a girl even laughed when she saw me. (After that my four months winter flew started so, I guess they were right...) Something has happened! The other day when I biked my 20 minutes to work, I saw seven people running. Two expats but the rest where Chinese. One wore a dress but she was running with a friend and it was obvious they weren't running for the buss. Either way, in the time period since I arrived to China and up to a month ago I have probably seen seven runners in total. Now I see them everywhere!

My theory is that it must be connected to the expo. Everything is "in preparation for the Expo 2010": not only buildings and metros, but also the Chinese; their neighborhood, lifestyle, customs, manners - all should be westernized and boring-ized... So I guess they have been told to stop with that silly dancing in the parks and go jogging instead like the westerners. 

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