torsdag 13 augusti 2009


Now, this will be a difficult post to write in English so excuse the Swenglish below…

National newspaper Svd writes that Spotify can be introduced in China within the near future. ( The article reads: ”Den (Kinesisk version av Spotify) ska förse musikälskande kineser med strömmad musik till datorer och mobiltelefoner.

In the choice between using English words in the Swedish language like they are vs to Swedify words I am totally on the Swedify-side. I prefer to write mejl rather than mail and so on… And where there is a Swedish word I can’t really see the point in using an English one (betala vs paya/pejja). But the word strömma - a direct translation from English stream. I am undecided. Maybe because I’ve never seen strömma being used like that before. Strömma musik… S-t-r-ö-m-m-a…

Well, got to stick to principles. From now on I will only “strömma musik”. Just waiting for Spotify to come to China and I will strömma all day long…!

Ooh, just to get the grammar right… Would it then be Att strömma – i går strömmade jag – jag har strömmat? Or i går ström jag? (Could be confused with electrocuting oneself...)

1 kommentar:


    Hon är inte bara intelligent, hon är rolig också!!

    Eller... iallafall väldigt rolig! :)
