tisdag 25 augusti 2009

Yoga for loosers

You know yoga is bad for you when you crack your neck at the first exercise - the exercise when you should sit on your bum while tilting your head to the side. 

The only other western girl in the class left after ten minutes when we did the pretend-you-are-a-rope-and-use-yourself-to-do-a-halvslag-om-egen-part-exercise. I think it was her first time. Even I was better than her. But leaving a class just cos you are not so good? Plenty of the Chinese girls didn't make it either. How would you then ever become any better? I stayed, the neck felt better and the rest of the body a tiny tiny bit less stiff than it was when I got there. Completing what you aimed for while being an obvious looser or giving up - that's the question. 

1 kommentar:

  1. HA HA HA! Jag döör va kul! Halvslag om egen part - övningen tycker iaf jag dyker upp rätt ofta när det handlar om yoga/stretching/bodybalance osv.. Man vet inte längre vilken fot som är vilken och det värsta är när man lyckat fa till den där knuten och sen tappar balansen, man har liksom inte chansen av en susning att ta emot sig.. Men jag röstar absolut pa "completing what you aimed for while being an obvious looser"!

